DispatchLIVE receives a GLAD[1] from Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) for accessing a child involved in an article which highlights her amazing talent.

The article written by the journalist, Anelisha Gusha is titled, “East London’s pint-sized maestro booked and busy” (09/04/2022) and is about nine-year-old Gugulethu Ndzendze who has taken the world by storm with her opera singing. The pupil from Voorpos primary school shot to fame when a Facebook video of her singing at a Sunday church service went viral. According to the story, the “maestro” has performed at the Soweto theatre, in Nairobi and in Tanzania. The child has even been reportedly signed by an entertainment company. This article is accompanied by a bright photograph of her showcasing her talent.

Speaking to the journalist, Gugulethu says in the article, “Through my trips, I’ve met a lot of role models and I’m sure I’ll meet a lot more.” She goes on to say, “I have so many emotions and cannot explain how I am feeling; I have been granted so many opportunities around the world.”

DispatchLIVE has done a commendable job reporting a story that is rarely seen in media coverage of children. According to a 2021 report by MMA on the coverage of children in the media,[2] only 5% of stories about the entertainment industry involving children are written about. The same report reveals that of all stories written about children, only 7% access children for their views.

The reporting by DispatchLIVE stands out as it gives audiences the opportunity to hear the child’s views on her achievements and adopts a child-centred approach to the story thereby promoting the child’s right to participation in the media.

Not only is this kind of reporting empowering for other young girls, but it also has the potential to make other children not limit themselves and believe that they too can achieve anything.

MMA therefore encourages DispatchLIVE to continue writing such articles and portraying the children in this light. We look forward to seeing more of these articles in the future. Well done!

Written by Bantse Pelle Mokale

Edited by Lister Namumba

[1] GLADs are given to media for responsibly reporting on children and accessing them for their views

[2] https://mediamonitoringafrica.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Childrens-Report-2021.pdf