A child’s identity should be protected

Section 154 (3)[1] of the Criminal Procedure Amendment Act of 2021 clearly outlines the conditions under which the media can identify children.

In the article, “Golden Arrow offers free rides to boy, 11, who had to walk eight hours home” (25/07/2024), TimesLIVE has disregarded the Criminal Procedure Amendment Act of 2021 and has neglected the best interest principle for children. Therefore, Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) issues a MAD[2] to the publication. According to this article, Golden Arrow Bus Services, which has been in the spotlight after a bus driver left an 11-year-old boy stranded, forcing him to walk about eight hours home. Reportedly, the 11 years old, who goes to a school in Simon’s Town and lives in Khayelitsha, was kicked off the bus and forced to walk eight hours home after he lost his bus card. The incident sparked public outcry, and the company has issued an apology, saying the driver has been suspended.

The TimesLIVE revealing of his name and detailed personal information following the tragic incident, the identification of his name, school and his home flagrantly disregards the protection mandated under Section 28 of the Bill of Rights, entitled “Children”, that says children have the right to protection from maltreatment, neglect, abuse or degradation. By disclosing his identity as an 11-year-old, along with specifics about his family and the location of the incident, the article exposes him to potential risks and violates legal safeguards intended to shield minors from unnecessary harm and attention. This could also lead to potential victimisation of his peers and community as he is a victim of child neglect from the driver’s side.

MMA urges TimesLIVE and all media outlets to exercise caution and adhere to legal and ethical frameworks when reporting on children involved in incidents of crime or abuse. It is imperative that media reports minimize harm to children and prioritize their best interests, as mandated by Section 28.2[3] of the Bill of Rights. This section emphasizes that “a child’s best interests must be paramount in all matters concerning the child”

Therefore, MMA requests TimesLIVE to promptly withdraw the child’s identity, along with those of his parents, from the article. We recommend the use of pseudonyms to protect the children from potential harm and urge TimesLIVE to provide an explanation to its audience regarding this decision.

Written by Siphokazi Pikoko

Edited by Ntombifuthi Kubeka

[1] Section 154(3) of the Criminal Procedure Amendment Act of 2021

[2] MADs are given when media outlets have been found to irresponsibly report on children, thereby compromising their safety and well-being.

[3] Section 28.2 of the Bill of Rights