The Monitoring Made Easy (MME) tool is an African first. It will enable any human rights o...
The Monitoring Made Easy (MME) tool is an African first. It will enable any human rights o...
In a constitutional democracy like the South African, it is commonly accepted and entirely...
The Monitoring Made Easy (MME) tool is an African first. It will enable any human rights o...
This report covers the regional findings of the HIV and AIDS and Gender Baseline Study car...
This report forms part of the broader “Revealing Race Project” of the Media Monitoring...
In the run-up to the 16 Days of no violence against women and children, we are have releas...
The Media Monitoring Project (MMP) found an increase in the amount of coverage provided to...
November 25 will see the start of the International 16 Days of No Violence Against Women a...
The Media Monitoring Project (MMP) is inviting media and marketing stakeholders to engage ...
“Governments and lobby groups around the world are discussing whether the regulation of ...