Media Monitoring Africa

It is sad when children cannot go to school because of issues hindering their access to schools. When the media do report these issues, children affected should be able to voice out their concerns in the coverage. Sadly, that was not the case in an article by GroundUp titled, “KZN learners miss sc...
Children must be interviewed in important issues that affect them if its in their best interest. Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) gives Daily Sun, SowetanLIVE and IOL a Missed Opportunity[1] for failing to give children a voice in stories about the chil...
A child’s right to freedom of expression is one of the most important rights that should be respected and promoted not only by the government, schools and society but by the media as well. Such was not the case with News24 and Daily Sun as the two media fail...
Media should mirror society not just in terms of issues reported but also in the sources accessed. This means that issues reported in the media as well as who gets to speak should reflect society in terms of equitable representation. The population of children in South Africa stands at 37 million ac...
An analysis by Musa Rikhotso and Nomshado Lubisi Lack of school space and scholar transport and, inadequate school infrastructure and resources are some of the common challenges that children, parents, and the Department of Basic Education grapple with in South Africa. These issues are often among t...
Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) gives a missed opportunity[1] to News24 and GroundUp for neglecting to access children for their views in their articles titled, “A splash of inspiration: Hout Bay activist offers kids free swimming, breakdancing and life skills lessons” (News24, 15/01/2022) and “...
Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) gives a Missed Opportunity[1] to IOL for its article that celebrates children’s initiatives in science and technology but unfortunately, excludes the voices of children. The story, “SA pupils ignite World Space Week with rocket launch” (IOL, 14/10/2...
Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) gives a Missed Opportunity[1] to Daily Sun for an article that failed to access children in story thereby failing to empower them.  The article titled, “From jail to kota king” (Daily Sun, 14/09/2021) reports on Delisa Bhembe who celebrated his 40th birthday wi...
Children must be interviewed too on important issues that affect them when it is in their best interest. Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) gives News24 a Missed Opportunity[1] for failing to give children a voice in a story about children.  The article, “New Covid-19 Board game to teach children ...