Media Monitoring Africa

Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) gives neither a MAD[1] nor  a GLAD[2] to Sunday Independent and Daily Sun for their stories involving children. This is because despite both articles reporting on issues related to children, the journalists behind these stories failed to give a voice to those childre...
It is quite unfortunate to come across a good article from The Star that deserves a GLAD1 and just right below it one that merits a MAD2. This kind of coverage by The Star highlights a clear need for consistency when it comes to reporting on children. The first article “Boy who strangled mom...
Saturday Star published an article that identified a child in such a manner that may cause them further harm. The article in question written by Lali Van Zaydum titled “Family of murdered former boxing champion faces his alleged killers” (10/05/2014 p. 2) recounted the child witnesses’ test...
Access to proper sanitation is a basic human right but one that is not realised by many people in South Africa – millions in fact – including children. For most women and young girls, changing a sanitary towel could be considered a fairly basic task. On the other end of the scale however...
Three very distinct reporting styles in covering one story of the 6 year-old boy abused by his foster parent, shows how one story can be perceived through different lenses. The Sunday Times(17/01/2010, p. 8), the Daily Sun (19/01/2010, p. 4), and The Star (18/01/2010, p. 2) have all given their...