Media Monitoring Africa

Tune in to MEDIA @ SAfm this Sunday morning for a critical analysis of the media’s coverage of religious beliefs. A panel of local and international experts will unpack key issues in mainstream and religious broadcasting. We’ll also review how religions are adapting to new media technologies to ...
In celebration of Heritage Day The Media Monitoring Project and Open Society Foundation in conjunction with SAfm present MAKING MEDIA HISTORY A one hour radio special reflecting on key media moments in South Africa’s history followed by a roundtable debate on our media heritage. Do we have media t...
Radio touches more hearts and minds than any other medium. But to what extent is this used to empower women? Join the Media Monitoring Project and SAfm, in conjunction with the Open Society Foundation, this Sunday from 10am, as our panel of experts highlight best radio practices from South Africa an...
Diversity encompasses acceptance and respect… It is about understanding each other and moving beyond simple tolerance to embracing and celebrating the rich dimensions of diversity in each individual. Celebrating diversity SHOULD BE the exploration of these differences in a safe, positive, and nurt...
More than half of the population of South Africa are youths under the age of 25. Yet at the recent World Editors Forum congress in Cape Town, it was highlighted how traditional media need to better target this demographic in their content. The Media Monitoring Project and Wits Journalism aim to targ...
Join the Media Monitoring Project, in conjunction with SAfm and the Open Society Foundation, as we commemorate Africa Day. “Until lions have their own story tellers, their stories will always be told by the hunters.” (African proverb) Africa has its own story tellers, but whose stories are they ...
A recent national survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation and the SABC found that 72% of 18 – 24 years owned cellphones – and many were using them for more than just talking! The Media Monitoring Project, in partnership with the Open Society Foundation and SAfm, invites you to tune in to MEDI...