Media Monitoring Africa

Concerns about the “Electronic Communication Amendment Draft Bill” MMA calls on the Department of Communication to withdraw the Electronic Communications Amendment Bill. On the 4th of November 2011 in the Government Gazette, the Department of Communication (DOC) released the Electronic Communica...
CHILD PROTECTION & TRAFFICKING: Is the Media telling the right(s)story? Photography Exhibition opening with guest speaker GEORGE BIZOS MEDIA MONITORING AFRICA invite you to attend the opening of their exhibit, with photography by documentary photographer and trafficking expert MELANIE HAMMAN, an...
Media Monitoring Africa and its partners have pleasure in inviting you to a Seminar on the 22nd of September 2011 from 10:00am to 12:15pm at the Institute from the Advancement of Journalism, 9 Jubilee Road, Parktown,  Johannesburg about the implication of the latest Equality Court ruling on the cas...
In conjunction with media partners, academic institutions, thinktanks, activists, members of civil society and individuals across South Africa, Media Monitoring Africa is proud to launch a week-long dialogue on the role of media freedom in South Africa. Does media freedom matter? From September 19 t...
The media has come under increasing attack in recent times with the latest being a call for a boycott on Media 24 issued by the ANCYL in Limpopo. Clearly any media that fails to convey or present news fairly and accurately is doing a disservice not only to its readers but to democracy as well.  [&h...
While South Africa is grappling with high unemployment; poor quality education; poorly located and inadequate infrastructure; unsustainable growth path; unequal distribution of resources; ailing public health system; poor service delivery; corruption; and racism (see the National_Planning_Commission...
The decision by the editorial team of Sowetan to publish a column by Eric Miyeni that not only perpetuated racial stereotypes but was also potentially defamatory and offensive needs to be questioned.  Ordinarily such a piece should not have passed through editorial scrutiny especially given that on...
The latest events at the SABC see it making the news for all the wrong reasons. The ANC and the Minister of Communications have been accused of politically interfering in the process of appointing the new GCEO. This claim comes in the wake of the resignation of SABC board member Peter Harris and ...