Media Monitoring Africa

Invite: Tweet-Up – The Digital Migration: Your Questions Answered Friday 11:00 to 12:00am be there or be analog! Follow: #MMAdigimi #MediaMattersZA   What is digital migration? A mass movement of wild animals to the electronic media? Or moving from what we have to something better? Why does S...
MMA calls on the BCCSA to stand its ground in the face of pressure from the SABC Self regulation of the media is an important aspect of our democracy. It is for this reason that institutions that promote and protect the self regulatory aspect of our media are respected and protected. Media Monitorin...
Women make up 51% of the population* A South African woman’s average income is less than half that of a man** Women get paid a third less than men for similar work** 45% of female-headed households live below the poverty line*** 400 in every 100,000 women will die in child birth or from pregnancy ...
Service Delivery: An Election Issue? In 2008 there were 27 service delivery protests recorded. In 2009 that number jumped to 105. In 2010, it was another record year for discontent – with 111 recorded protests. This year the protests continued, with tragic loss of life. Since 2004 there have been ...
Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) condemns in the strongest possible terms the statement  issued by the African National Congress Youth League (ANCYL) in which it dismissed allegations of hate speech against spokesperson Floyd Shivambu that are currently before the Equality Court as “lies and false....
There are 19 million children in South Africa 12 million of them live below the poverty line – on less than R570 a month*  But are local politicians’ plans for helping our children making the headlines ahead of polling day? Join us on Wednesday 20th April as Anthony Ambrose (World Vision I...
Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) condemns in the strongest possible terms the police brutality that led to the death of Andries Tatane. Tatane died after he was beaten and reportedly shot by police during a “service delivery protest” in Ficksberg in Free State on Wednesday 13th April 2011. The medi...
Last night the South African Broadcasting Authority (SABC) showed news reports across its channels about police brutality which occurred during a “service delivery” protest in Ficksburg in the Free State. The manner in which it was covered by SABC’s different television services raises number ...