Media Monitoring Africa

The Appeal was heard before the SA Press Appeal Tribunal on Wednesday, 22 October 2008. The MMP’s Counsel, Advocate Steven Budlender argued exceptionally well and made many excellent points. At the close of the hearing and presumably because of the manner in which the MMP presented its case and th...
In response to the settlement agreement between Daily Sun and MMP, the Daily Sun today printed the following: “The Media Monitoring Project (MMP) and the Consortium for Refugees and Migrants in South Africa (CoRMSA) lodged a complaint against Daily Sun concerning its use of the word “aliens” t...
On 16 October 2008 the NCOP held its deliberations on the Bill. The “Save our SABC” Campaign, representing COSATU, the Treatment Action Campaign, a host of NGOs and CBOs including the Freedom of Expression Institute, the Media Monitoring Project, and the Media Institute of Southern Africa argued...
Today the National Council of Provinces will be holding deliberations on the Broadcasting Amendment Bill. The “Save our SABC” Campaign, representing COSATU, the Treatment Action Campaign, a host of NGOs and CBOs including the Freedom of Expression Institute, the Media Monitoring Project, and the...
The “Save our SABC” Coalition, representing COSATU, Bemawu, the Treatment Action Campaign, a host of NGOs and CBOs including the Freedom of Expression Institute, the Media Monitoring Project, and the Media Institute of Southern Africa have welcomed the Bill. We believe that it deals with major g...
World population day is celebrated on the 11th of July each year, this year, the subject is family planning. UNFPA states that worldwide access to family planning could save the lives of approximately 175 000 women each year. A current issue around family planning in South Africa is the Amendment o...
MMP has been granted leave to appeal against the ruling of the Press Ombudsman in response to the complaint against the Daily Sun’s continued use of the word “alien” to describe foreign nationals during the xenophobic attacks. A quick refresher: On the 29th of May MMP and its partner submitted...