Media Monitoring Africa

South Africa has failed to meet the 17 June 2015 deadline to switch off analogue terrestrial television broadcasts, as agreed to with the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). In 2010, the Department of Communications (DOC) announced that it was ready to switch over from analogue to digital s...
While we should lay blame on the xenophobic violence squarely at the door of the state for a number of reasons clearly stipulated by a range of experts, we also need to consider the role of the media. Our research over the years has revealed that: While the overwhelming majority of media take clear ...
Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) commends the Daily Sun for its decision taken in relation to its front page story, “Kids set on fire”. Rather than choosing to carry a violent video Daily Sun opted to run with the story and presented a front page editorial explaining its decision. MMA is aware that...
Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) is deeply concerned by the decision taken by The New Age to withdraw from the Press Council of South Africa. This is not only disappointing but might pose a serious threat to the self-regulatory mechanisms in South Africa.  MMA believes that self-regulation/co-regulati...