Media Monitoring Africa

I was recently fortunate to be with a group of South African media people (editors, journalists and academics and NGO types) in Istanbul to discuss issues relating to Media Freedom. The trip was organised and paid for by the Turquoise Harmony Institute and its focus was to engage with media practiti...
For those who haven’t seen it Wazimap is a cool easy to use interactive tool for journalists (and anyone else who is interested in data really) to help them add some data, facts and figures to their stories.  It is a tool that can give context, present complex data in simple and clear ways to [&h...
Three takeaways I took from the Deutsche Welle, Global Media Forum (, and why I think they are important for our work and the media in South Africa. The first takeaway: “If you really speak truth to power expect it to bite back.” Sarah Harrison of...
We the people, is the preamble to the Constitution of both The United States of America and South Africa. It is also the title we have given an initiative we started to celebrate our constitution. It is 15 years old in February and despite the challenges we face in South Africa we think this is [&he...