Media Monitoring Africa

City Press puts interest of child first. One of the basic tenets of ethical journalism is to always consider the best interest of children or a child when reporting on a story that involves them. It is for this commendable journalistic practice that week, Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) is delighted t...
The HeraldLIVE continues to illuminate children’s matters in the media For upholding the standards of ethical news reporting as it pertains to children’s stories, Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) bestows the HeraldLIVE with a GLAD[1] for the story titled, “Paterson High School boffin off to Bali...
HeraldLIVE shines the spotlight on a young activist’s accomplishment. Few triumphs in ethical journalism are more impressive than successfully accessing and compassionately telling stories of outstanding children, especially when they are as inspiring as Khazimla Adam. Media Monitoring Africa (MMA...
HeraldLIVE shines the spotlight on a young activist’s accomplishment. Few triumphs in ethical journalism are more impressive than successfully accessing and compassionately telling stories of outstanding children, especially when they are as inspiring as Khazimla Adam. Media Monitoring Africa (MMA...
Media monitoring Africa (MMA) is proud to award Daily News a GLAD [1]for including a child’s voice in one of their articles, “Children have a right to have their views heard on matters that affect them, so try and include them”[2]. Children, with their unique perspectives, deserve to be active...
News24 does well to protect the identity of a child When reporting on children, it is paramount to always consider the best interests of the child(ren), making sure that they are not exposed to harm or victimisation. It is for this reason that Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) is delighted to award a GL...
A child benefits from extended protection Children who have been witnesses, suspects, and victims of crime or had traumatic experiences need to be able to trust that those they have come to for assistance would keep their privacy as private as possible. Media monitoring Africa (MMA) awards News24 ...
Daily Sun Celebrates child philanthropist Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) takes great pleasure in presenting a GLAD[1]to Daily Sun for their article titled, “Young Bonolo has a big heart!” (06/07/2023), which captures the inspiring story of Bonolo, a compassion...