Media Monitoring Africa

The article, “Boy imitates mom’s murder” (Cape Times, 04/02/2010, p. 6) is one to be mad about. The story talks about how a three-year-old boy witnessed his father shoot and kill his mother and two other men before hijacking three cars. The article indirectly identified a child witness, throug...
Three child witnesses were identified in an article published by the Daily Sunabout a nine-year-old boy who hid his two younger brothers, in order to protect them from their enraged father. The article, entitled “Ibhavu of life” (23/11/2009, p.2), received a MAD OAT Mad nomination, wrapping up ...
There has been a substantial amount of coverage in the media lately, around a 13-year-old girl who went missing with her friend but was found at a later stage. “Girl found man held” (The Times, 09/11/2009, p.5) received a MAD OAT Glad nomination for avoiding re-identifying the girl, after she ha...
Two child witnesses were identified in an article by The Times, entitled ”’Police’ rough justice” 1(26/10/2009, p. 6), about a military officer allegedly beaten up with his family. The article was consequently selected for a MAD OAT Mad nomination. In the article, the officer claimed that...
Over the last couple of weeks, and since MAD OAT urged Sowetan to “Stop identifying child witnesses”, a couple of articles (“Boy stabbed at school in ‘racist attack’”, 23/09/2009, p. 7 and“‘Trigger-happy’ police”, 30/09/09, p. 4) have come to Media Monitoring Africa 1 (MMA)...
Two newspapers received a MAD OAT Mad nomination, Sunday Sun for the article “My boob job can wait!” (13/09/09, p. 11) and The Times for “Can you feel the love?”1(15/09/09, p. 3). Both newspapers reported on celebrities involved in charitable causes in a way that failed to respect the...
Saturday Star’s articles “Ernie’s boys shine at annual golf tournament” and “Primary school soccer in new discovery” (15/08/09, p. 19) are ones to get mad about. While the sports related articles are about children, they do not access children themselves. In “Primary school soccer ...