Media Monitoring Africa

Over the month of March 2009, newspapers reported on suspected and confirmed cases of meningitis, and the subsequent “panic” among parents to get their children vaccinated, amongst fears of an “outbreak”. While many newspapers covered the story, The Times’ use of headlines and confusing r...
The Star‘s article, “2 Injured as dad fires at principal” (03/03/09, p. 2)1, is one to get mad about. In naming the child witnesses, who were also victims, it contravenes the Criminal Procedure Act, and fails to protect the children’s best interests. The crime story is about a father who all...
Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) strongly condemns the decision of many media outlets to reproduce images of child pornography in the process of exposing the perpetrator and a failing justice system. SABC 3’s Special Assignment (06/01/09, 21:30), The Times (08/01/09, p. 3), and The Citizen(08/01/0...
In October 2008, Make Abuse Disappear Online Accountability Tool (MAD OAT) raised concerns about Sowetan’s article “Shakoane plaintiff ‘had been sexually active’” (13/10/08, p. 6) for sending confusing messages, and failing to specify that sexual intercourse with a child under the age of ...