Media Monitoring Africa

While there has been extensive research into the representation of women in the media, limited research has focused on how the news media tends to represent men and the male role models offered by the media. It would appear that while men make up the majority of those sources frequently accessed for...
The Global Media Monitoring Project (GMMP) South African report was launched at Constitutional Hill on 7 March 2006.  According to Deputy President Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, speaking in her keynote address “In spite of the numerous advances that we have made as a society, it is clear even from the ...
In early February 2006, local newspapers carried news of the death of Coretta Scott King, the widow of American civil rights activist, Martin Luther King II. Most of the articles merely announced her death. The Star newspaper broke the news by publishing a full-page obituary of Scott King: “Widow ...
The Global Media Monitoring Project (GMMP) is the most extensive global research of gender in news media ever undertaken. When the first GMMP was conducted in 1995, few of those involved could have imagined that it would develop in the way that it went on to do. Ten years later, with the third such ...
The issue of sources, of who gets to speak, who is quoted and commonly asked for their opinion in news stories, is a common indicator of gender coverage in the media. International research, including the Global Media Monitoring Project (GMMP) and the Southern African Gender Media Baseline Study (GM...
The MMP assessed a number of print and broadcast media during the week preceding National Women’s Day, on the day itself and on the 10th of August 2004. Top Three for 2004: Mail & Guardian This Day Sunday Times Despite being a weekly paper and therefore only having one edition in which to resp...
The MMP’s challenge is for the media to mainstream women on National Women’s Day. Instead of media merely concentrating on so called “women’s issues” and only on the celebrations that are set to take place on the 9th of August, the MMP challenges the media to fill their papers, radio broad...