Media Monitoring Africa

Media Release  29 March 2022 JOHANNESBURG, 29 March 2022 – Since 2003, MMA has been monitoring the coverage of children in the media to check adherence to ethical and legal frameworks on reporting on children. Further, the monitoring has been to ascertain trends in coverage with particular f...
Since March 2020, Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) has been monitoring the media and analysing how they have been reporting Covid-19, a pandemic that has dominated media coverage, since the first case was reported in South Africa in March 2020. The purpose of the monitoring has been to determine the tr...
Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) embarked on a media monitoring exercise between May and September, 2020 to determine trends in media coverage of children. In order to show improvement in media coverage or the lack thereof, the 2020 findings were compared against the 2016, 2017 and 2019 findings.The ...
Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) is launching the sixth brief in the series, ‘Analysis of Covid-19 Media Coverage’.  These analyses are published consistently with the first brief having been published on 8 May, 2020. MMA has been monitoring and analysing the media coverage of the Covid-19 in Sout...
In order to determine trends in coverage of the Covid-19 pandemic in terms of sources in South African media, Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) is running a series of analyses where findings are compared against each other to show improvement, or the lack thereof. The previous four analyses published ha...
From the 15th of June to the 15th of July, 2020, Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) looked at who got the largest voice share in the media coverage. This was on general coverage and not topic specific.  Media Mic, a tool by MMA was used to collect this data. The tool collects sources and their races, [&...