Media Monitoring Africa

South Africa was the main destination, worldwide, for new asylum-seekers in 2006, according to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). It is surprising then, the lack of attention that World Refugee Day got from the South African media. The Media Monitoring Project did a quick scan of English...
The 3rd of May is World Press Freedom day, it is also the 2nd day of hearing in parliament on the Film and Publications Amendment Bill which sees the tenets of media freedom being pitted against the need to protect children. So what’s the fuss about the Bill? There are a number of concerning eleme...
People with disabilities constitute a considerable part of the South African population, yet coverage pertaining to people with a disability is very low and very limited in the media. In the few instances that this population groups is reported on, the coverage fails to raise the rights of the disab...
Print and broadcast media should that first and foremost provide viewers, listeners and readers with information about the world that is fair, balanced and accurate. It is equally as important however, for the media to challenge and interrogate government performance on fundamental issues including ...
The budget speech attracts much media attention every year. This year was no different. When reporting on the budget speech, it is expected that the media ‘translate’ the implications for their readers. In this respect the reports on the speech were not entirely successful....
The 16 days of activism campaign against woman and child abuse began on the international day of elimination of violence against women on the 25th November.  In preparation for this time, one could expect that media would be creating greater awareness of gender based violence and the social consequ...
The Media Monitoring Project (MMP) found an increase in the amount of coverage provided to the16 Days of Activism Campaign No Violence Against Women and Children during 2005. The majority of South African media performed particularly well, in some crucial respects the media performed better in compa...
In the run-up to the 16 Days of no violence against women and children, we are have released last year’s 16 days media report. Along with the report, we would like to challenge to media to improve their impressive performance of last year. The full 16 days report for 2005 has now been released. Fo...