Media Monitoring Africa

As the conflict in Iraq reaches new stages, similarly so does the coverage as provided by the news media. Increasingly newspapers are carrying more and more graphic images of dead bodies and injured people. Read the full article here....
The level of coverage of the budget was overwhelming. Broadcast news was dominated by the budget and several special programmes were organised. Most of those monitored were in the form of expert analysis and discussion on the budget. In the print media some papers carried as many as 65+ articles on ...
The Telecommunications Amendment Bill is currently being debated before the Portfolio Committee on Communication. The majority of the bill focuses specifically on telecommunications and the issuing of licences. (Many of the issues it raises have been discussed in the media and addressed by industry ...
Last night e-tv launched their new one hour news programme. There were many positive elements and changes to the programme for which e-tv are to be commended. Unfortunately the launch was heralded with a highly problematic print media advert depicting dead bodies. The advert makes use of what would ...
The death of 43 people at a soccer match on Wednesday this week has, by and large, been dealt with with due sensitivity to those killed. Read the full article here....
In spite of it being heralded by a highly problematic disrespectful advert (see MMP comment of 06/02/01) last week Monday (05/02/01) e-tv launched its daily hour-long news programme during prime time. The decision to have an hour-long bulletin is a positive one and has the potential to present issue...
Last night e-tv launched their new one hour news programme. There were many positive elements and changes to the programme for which e-tv are to be commended. Unfortunately the launch was heralded with a highly problematic print media advert depicting dead bodies. The advert makes use of what would ...