Media Monitoring Africa

February 14, 2018, Africa Check One of my favourite free tools is the easy-to-use KnowNews app by Media Monitoring Africa. It helps you check the credibility of a South African website on your desktop computer with the click of your mouse. Read the full article....
February 14, 2018, HuffPost South Africa This past week has been confusing for journalists and other South Africans who want to know when Zuma will go. Several times, incorrect information has circulated in social media, which just fuels anxiety about the matter. HuffPost spoke to Media Monitoring A...
February 8, 2018, News24 Media Monitoring Africa director William Bird defended eNCA, saying that its apology was legitimate. Bird said that, with the current news frenzy, newsrooms were under “enormous pressure”. Read the full article....
February 4, 2018, News24 Another twist of irony is that the Press Council and our Code of ethics and conduct for SA print and online media is acknowledged by the legislature in laws such as the Films and Publications Act, in the draft bill to amend it and in the Protection of Personal Information Ac...