Media Monitoring Africa

Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) is a human rights-driven NGO specialising in media monitoring with the goal of advancing a media culture in South Africa that is critical and fair, free, diverse and ethical. Elections are a particularly important period in the life of any democracy and we are looking t...
Day 2- #MMAMFW17 Overview Against the atmosphere of monumental success for MMA and the SOS Coalition with their court case against the Communications Minister, the discussion that took place on Tuesday night still saw the need for journalists & media industry to objectively reflect on how they t...
Over the last year we have seen worrying increases in threats to media freedom in South Africa. We have also seen a rise in challenges to media credibility, resulting in threats of state interference to media regulation. Next month, media and civil society are gearing up to remember and celebrate th...
How can media assist citizens with gaining knowledge of their rights, treatment and mechanisms for engaging with the health system to improve delivery and access? To determine this, MMA conducted research into how the Zambian media covered health issues. Among other things the research found that: T...
As a metaphor, a web does nicely to describe human trafficking: a thing with many threads, sticky, dangerous, and unseen by victims. The sticky threads each different yet inseparable, certainly not linear, clean, neat and easily spotted…well unless you’re the spider that is. What do we know abou...
The article on Sunday January 15th, 2012 “Woman tells of ordeal as drug-mule slave” refers. I would like to raise our concern about a crucial omission in the article, as well as highlight some additional ethical concerns. The story presents a powerful firsthand account of a woman’s experience ...
MMA awards Kowthar Solomons and Saturday Star with a CHAMP (with recommendations) for the article “Judge expresses human trafficking concern for ʻexotic dancersʼ” (04/02/2012), as it raises the matter of a form of trafficking often not given any real attention in South Africa. However it is cr...