Media Monitoring Africa

In a constitutional democracy like the South African, it is commonly accepted and entirely uncontroversial to assert the central role allocated to an independent public service broadcaster in facilitating informed public debate based on the central tenets, as stated in the SABC Charter, of free spee...
This report covers the South African findings of the HIV and AIDS and Gender Baseline Study, carried out as part of the Media Action Plan on HIV and AIDS and Gender (MAP), led by the Southern African Editors’ Forum (SAEF). The Media Monitoring Project (MMP) that leads the monitoring and evaluation...
One of the central principles of journalism is the protection of the rights to dignity and privacy. The importance of sensitive coverage of those who are grieving, who have endured trauma, is enshrined in journalistic codes of conduct throughout the world. The commercial free-to-air channel, e-tv, h...
On Sunday night during News Hour (18/11/2001), and then repeated on Monday (20/11/2001) on Morning Live, the SABC chose to report a story about a woman who had been gang raped. While the intention may have been good, the result raised several ethical issues and highlighted the necessity for extreme ...