HeraldLIVE shines the spotlight on a young activist’s accomplishment.

Few triumphs in ethical journalism are more impressive than successfully accessing and compassionately telling stories of outstanding children, especially when they are as inspiring as Khazimla Adam. Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) awards a GLAD[1]  to HeraldLive for their inspiring article, taking interest on teenager’s accomplishments and education.

The article titled, “Head girl adds further role to an already impressive CV” (26/02/2024) written by Simthembile Mgidi.  The story highlights Khazimla Adam who is a formidable presence at the age of 17. It further explains how she embodies the spirit of young advocacy and leadership as the head girl of Woodridge College, a junior mayor at Nelson Mandela Bay, and the newly elected Eastern Cape representative for the South African Human Child’s Rights Commission. Her ambition to represent the UN as a child ambassador demonstrates her commitment to advancing basic human rights and empowering children everywhere.

The article not only captured the essence of Khazimla Adam’s remarkable journey but also used her picture appropriately to convey the depth of her achievements. Through the article, readers were not only introduced to Khazimla’s impressive resume as the head girl of Woodridge College, and all her other leadership roles but also gained insight into the unwavering support she receives from her father. Despite her demanding responsibilities, Khazimla prioritizes her academics, excelling in her matric studies. The article artfully weaves together these elements, portraying Khazimla as a well-rounded and driven individual who embodies the values of leadership and academic excellence.

MMA applauds HeraldLive and the journalist for highlighting Khazimla Adam’s inspirational journey and advocating for ethical journalistic values. “Every child has the right to a basic education, including adult basic education and further education”, as stated by Section 29[2] of the South African Constitution’s Bill of Rights. The state is required to gradually make these opportunities available and accessible by taking reasonable means. In addition to recognising Khazimla’s accomplishments, HeraldLive’s sympathetic and truthful portrayal of her narrative highlights the value of education in ensuring that children’s rights are upheld and that they are given the opportunity to reach their full potential.

MMA is dedicated to advancing children’s rights in the media and goes above and beyond to make sure that children’s stories are presented with delicacy and respect. Through programs like Webrangers[3], MMA empowers young people to navigate the online world safely while also advocating for responsible digital citizenship. Additionally, through research, advocacy, and capacity building, MMA empowers journalists to accurately and ethically report on children’s issues, fostering a media landscape that prioritises the well-being and rights of young individuals.

MMA looks forward to HeraldLive’s ongoing dedication to considerate and ethical reporting, ensuring children’s voices are acknowledged and their rights upheld in every article that focuses upon their experiences and ambitions.

Written by Siphokazi Pikoko

Edited by Ntombifuthi Kubeka