On Monday 20 July Media Monitoring Africa(MMA), in partnership with the Media Institute of Southern Africa: Lesotho (MISA), funded by the Open Society Initiative of Southern Africa (OSISA) hosted and event in Maseru to launch the final results of the Lesotho elections media monitoring project.

The launch was a great success. It was attended by different and important stakeholders. Media, political parties, educators and civil society all turned up to hear the results analysis and responses by the guest speakers:

Tsebo Mats’asa, Director, MISA Lesotho commences the evening with a welcome and introduction, followed by the keynote address, delivered by Mphasa Mokhochane, Director of the Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC). Mokhochane spoke of the challenging political environment in Lesotho and how media monitoring projects like this have contributed to changes, but there is still more to do.

The interactive presentation of the final results was then presented by MMA’s Carol Mohlala, and Sofonea Shale, activist and Dr Kapa, Head of Political Science at the University of Lesotho presented their responses. a lively discussion was also held around democracy, media and what can be done to improve the quality of media in Lesotho.

Carol also appeared on Radio Ultimate’s morning show with Rebafiloe Monnapula as well as Lesotho TV’s Thahameso show to further discuss the results.