Media Release

Every year, South Africa commemorates the massacre that happened in Marikana, North West in August of 2012 which resulted in 34 mine workers being killed by the police. These mine workers were killed while protesting for a salary increment.

To determine whether the media was fulfilling its role of unpacking the issue for citizens and also whether the media was performing its duty of holding those in power to account, Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) undertook a monitoring activity which sought to find out amongst other things, the quantity of the stories related to the event, the issues that the media focused on in relation to Marikana and, the voices speaking in coverage, etc.

Find below the findings from our monitoring.

Voices from Marikana – an analysis of how the media have been reporting the Marikana Massacre

For further information, please contact the project lead, Musa Rikhotso on