MMA welcomes the interim interdict, with a measure of concern.  On the face of it this is an important victory for media freedom and the case of the SABC 8.  It is a great pity however that it has taken so much time and resources to reach a conclusion that was self evident from the word go. Our concern lies in the fact that there is no guarantee that the order will be complied with.  Given the SABC’s recent behaviour our faith in their compliance and commitment to media freedom and promoting the highest forms of ethical journalism has been dented.

Nor are we clear as to what steps will be implemented to reverse the “corrosive culture” that is prevalent at the SABC.  Accordingly we call on the SABC to not only reinstate the SABC 8 with immediate effect but for  the SABC also to communicate how it intends to reverse the implementation of the protest policy, and indeed how in practical terms it will reverse the culture of censorship and fear.

Finally, as much as we support the order the damage done is significant and we call on the board to explain how those responsible will be held accountable for their actions.  Without accountability for the crises the SABC is in the order will be meaningless.

Accordingly the pressure on the SABC to act must continue, and we call on all advertisers to withdraw their advertising from the SABC

For more contact:  William Bird 0828871370 Or Thandi Smith 073 470 7306