Media Monitoring Africa invites you to the relaunch of the expanded and improved Real411 platform and our exciting new initiative, the Spotters Network.

Following the success of the Real411 in the elections it was clear that we needed to set up a system that would enable members of the public to report disinformation and ensure it was addressed in an open, transparent and accountable manner within our laws and constitutional principles. We also found that during the lead up to the elections people weren’t just wanting to report disinformation but also cases of incitement and hate speech. We have decided to add those to the new version of Real411.

Join us!

Date: 18 March 2020

Time: 17:30pm for 18:00pm

Venue: Webber Wentzel, 90 Rivonia Rd, Sandhurst, Sandton, 2196


Keynote Speaker

Judge Zak YacoobZakeria Mohammed “Zak” Yacoob is an anti-apartheid activist and a former Justice of the Constitutional Court of South Africa. He was appointed to the bench in 1998 by Nelson Mandela. He briefly served as Acting Deputy Chief Justice during the long-term leave of Dikgang Moseneke.


Event will stream live on Twitter: @MediaMattersza and you can follow the conversation on Twitter using #Real411

For more details, you can contact:
Nomshado Lubisi
Tel: 011 788 1278