SOS and MMA make submissions into the Zondo Commission

21 September 2018


The SOS Coalition and Media Monitoring Africa have submitted a joint statement to the evidence leaders in the Zondo Commission requesting that the enquiry look into the extent of state capture in the broadcasting sector.

Some of the most obvious effects of state capture are now playing out at the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC).  These include the SABC being near crippled by the results of financial mismanagement, abuse of corporate governance, corruption, editorial interference, sexual harassment and threats to journalists.

We believe that the commission needs to also uncover the complexities of seemingly corrupt practices involving the SABC, Multi-Choice, ANN7, the Department of Communication and former Minister Faith Muthambi in particular

We hope that our statement will assist the enquiry in further uncovering the full extent of State Capture in a sector that was critical to shaping the public perception.

The issues are especially pertinent as public broadcasting is essential to meeting the information needs of the people of South Africa and we hope the enquiry will help protect the vital freedom of expression rights protected by our Constitution; and indeed our entire democratic project.

Read the full submission HERE


For further information please contact:

Duduetsang Makuse (National Coordinator, SOS Coalition)

+2760 911 5889


Thandi Smith (Chair of SOS Chairperson)

+2773 470 7306