Media Monitoring Africa

Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) is happy to award a GLAD[1] to Daily Sun and News24 for their respective stories, “Couple in court for child neglect and rape” and “Bail for mother, 30, charged with her boyfriend, 91, in child neglect and rape case by Getrude Makhafola ” Both stories were publi...
Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) is proud to award News24 and IOL a GLAD[1] for reporting ethically on children by withholding their identities in stories on abuse. The stories for which the two media are being awarded a GLAD are titled, “Principal suspended for forcing pupil into pit toilet to searc...
South Africa has several laws that aim at protecting children from abuse and exploitation among other things. While there are not so many specific laws that protect children online, the very laws that are supposed to protect children offline apply online. An example is the protection from bullying. ...
29 May 2019, The Herald, Kgaugelo Masweneng Google Africa, Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) and other stakeholders have devised a digital literacy programme called Web Rangers, which is designed to let young people gain critical skills and knowledge about online safety. The programme encourages young d...
8 May 2019, IOL, Zodidi Dano These are submissions made by the Centre for Child Law at the Constitutional Court where they argued on behalf of Zephany Nurse, Media Monitoring Africa, Childline and the National Institute for Crime Prevention and the Reintegration of Offenders. Read the full article...