Media Monitoring Africa

8 May 2019, IOL, Zodidi Dano These are submissions made by the Centre for Child Law at the Constitutional Court where they argued on behalf of Zephany Nurse, Media Monitoring Africa, Childline and the National Institute for Crime Prevention and the Reintegration of Offenders. Read the full article...
Several videos of a teacher repeatedly beating children at a creche in Carltonville has been circulating in the news as well as social media. We understand that as parents, we want to share this picture and story to as many people in our social networks as possible in order to bring awareness around...
11 September 2018, West Side Eldos Soweto Urban The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), Media Monitoring Africa, The SABC Foundation, The Institute for Security Studies (ISS) and the South African National Editors Forum (SANEF) partnered in an initiative called ‘We Commit’. Read full arti...
Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) awards a GLAD[1] to Sunday Times for its unique portrayal of children involved in entrepreneurship. “Teen entrepreneurs are making a future” (Sunday Times, 07/05/2017, p.8) by Khanyi Ndabeni, reports on children who have decided to take their economic agency in thei...
All too often, children’s stories in the media tend to focus on instances of trauma, abuse and neglect1and we, at Media Monitoring Africa (MMA), sometimes struggle to find stories in which children are portrayed as anything other than victims of their circumstances. This week, however, MMA came ac...
Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) awards the Sowetan and The Star a GLAD1 for publishing articles that go an extra mile to protect the identities of vulnerable children affected by crime and abuse. The Sowetan has consistently shown their commitment to promoting the rights and best interests of children...
Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) has observed how over the past few weeks the Sowetan has been consistent in bringing issues that affect children on the agenda. Particular focus has been paid to the rights of children to access basic education and how this right has been violated. The Sowetan took time...