Media Monitoring Africa

Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) gives a MAD[1] to Sowetan, The Star and Daily Sun for all failing to protect the identity of a child who, despite having celebrity parents, is a witness in a case of domestic violence. This commentary analyses three articles, which all relay the story of the same case: ...
Substance abuse is a serious problem that South Africa is battling with. For the reason that the challenge has huge implications for many children in South Africa as it potentially contributes to family dysfunctions among other social problems, every sector of society especially the media needs to c...
Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) would like to commend Daily Sun for a series of articles on children that accessed and portrayed them positively and, highlighted important issues affecting children. While doing this, MMA would also like to bring to the publication’s attention a few articles that cou...
A child’s right to freedom of expression as enshrined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Children (UNCRC) and of the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of Children (ACRWC)[1] articles 13 and 7 respectively, is one of the most important rights that should be respected and prom...
Ethical journalism requires editors and journalists to constantly evaluate the decisions they make in news reports including how best to act in the well-being of their sources whilst informing their audiences of a particular issue or event. This is a difficult balancing act but a necessary one that ...
Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) gives neither a MAD[1] nor  a GLAD[2] to Sunday Independent and Daily Sun for their stories involving children. This is because despite both articles reporting on issues related to children, the journalists behind these stories failed to give a voice to those childre...
It is a known fact that minority rights are easily violated, more especially those of children. That’s why it remains very important that media’s reporting of children’s stories is done with special care, without discrimination and with ethical consideration of children’s rights. Sunday Worl...