Daily Voice compromises child’s identity Section 154 (3)[1] of the Criminal Procedure Amendment Act of 2021 clearly outlines the conditions under which the media can identify children. It is troubling that some media outlets continue to ignore these regulations and ethical guidelines when re...
Daily Voice: Empowering Voices Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) awards a GLAD[1] to Daily voice for their story involving children in sports. The journalist behind the story gives a child a voice to tell her story and how passionate she is about netball. In an article titled, “Netballer needs help”...
Daily Voice disregards child’s best interest principle Section 154 (3) of the Criminal Procedure Amendment Act of 2021[1] is clear on cases when the media can and cannot identify children. It is therefore concerning that the media continue to report on children in a manner that flouts the Act as w...
Allow children to voice their views Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) gives a Missed Opportunity[1] to Daily Voice for an article that fails to access a child who performed very well at an annual creative writing competition in Cape Town. The article titled, “Athlone pupil wins Western Cape Education ...
Daily Voice misses child’s voice Media monitoring Africa (MMA) gives a Missed Opportunity[1] to Daily Voice for its article that celebrates the talent of an 11-year-old child but does not access her. By not accessing the child, Daily Voice missed an opportunity for a great story that would have be...
Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) is delighted to award a GLAD[1] to Daily Voice for publishing an article about a Grade 4 pupil at Laerskool Mikroi in Western Cape who will star in a film about a story she wrote and entered into the Western Cape Education Department’s Story Stars proje...
Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) gives Daily Voice a MAD[1] for an article directly identifying a child who discovered her deceased mother’s body and is likely to be a witness at criminal proceedings. The article...
Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) gives Daily Voice a MAD[1] for an article directly identifying a four-month-old baby and her brothers who lost their father under very horrific circumstances thereby potentially jeopardizing the safety of the children. The article titled, “Man dies in hail of bul...
“No person shall publish in any manner whatever any information which reveals or may reveal the identity of an accused under the age of 18 years or of a victim or of a witness at criminal proceedings who is under the age of 18 years,” Criminal Procedure Act Section 154 (3). Such is the res...