Section 29 (1) of the South Africa Constitution states, “Everyone has the right to basic education” which means that every child deserves to be at school. This right is beautifully explicated by Tarryn Copper-Bell,[1] where she highlights important consideration relating to the right to educatio...
Wits Accredited Certificate Course – Reporting on Children in the Media – (10 Day Course) 2-6 and 9-13 July 2018 Entrance requirements: a minimum of 2 years reporting experience or a degree/diploma in journalism with a minimum of 6 months reporting experience TO REGISTER: Contact Taryn Hinton at...
“Girls from disadvantaged backgrounds miss up to 50 days of school a year because they do not have access to sanitary pads.” This is according to an article titled “School to supply pads” (The New Age, 07/02/2017, p.5) selected as this week’s GLAD[1]. The story by Charlote Hlangwane report...