Media Monitoring Africa

News24 gives young agricultural protégé the chance to shine. Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) awards a GLAD[1] to News24 for promoting the best interest of the child in their journalism. The article published on national youth day titled, “Meet the 12-year-old ‘farmer’, who is alrea...
TimesLIVE empowers Children amidst tragic circumstances. Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) is excited to award a GLAD[1] to TimesLIVE for their efforts to give a voice to children in sensitive and complex situations. All too often, children are excluded from discus...
Daily News shines on star child who cooks a storm. Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) is delighted to award Daily News a GLAD[1]. This is for positively highlighting and accessing a star child in an article. The article titled, “Teenager hopes to take the bakery industry by storm” (2...
WELL, DONE NEWS 24 Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) congratulates News24 on its well reported story titled, “‘Our boy is not doing well’: Family of toddler burnt with boiling water at creche struggle with medical bills” (24/04/2023). The article written by Iavan Pijo...
Media celebrates children’s achievements. Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) awards a GLAD[1] to two publications namely City Press and The Star for positively reporting on children’s achievements and accessing them in the articles. The journalists, Zelda Venter and Janice Phiri are also commended fo...
Star child heard. The Independent on Saturday gets a GLAD[1] from Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) because the publication positively portrayed children and gave them a voice in a story that involves them.  The Independent on Saturday’s story is titled, “Lockdown legacy…one school girl...
IOL gets it spot-on in positive portrayal and voices of children. Media Monitoring Africa (MMA)’s “Still invisible and still not heard” is a 2021 analysis of how children were covered in the media. This analysis reveals that children received very little coverage (only 10% of all coverage) in ...
Mail & Guardian Promotes Child’s Right To Protection Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) is delighted to award a GLAD[1] to The Mail & Guardian for its article titled, “Updated: Cape Town teacher discovers child sex trafficking ring” (01/03/2023) which reports on an incredibly difficult ...