Media Monitoring Africa

An article published on Daily’s Sun’s website has earned the publication a MAD[1] from Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) for including a picture of a child with a man who are both naked in a shower. The article, “TEACHER AND PUPIL’S NAKED SHOWER SELFIES!” (Daily Sun online, 04/02/2019) rep...
Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) gives a MAD[1] to Saturday Citizen for using an image which includes a child to illustrate the Zimbabwean crisis there by exposing the child to potential harm.  “Residents under attack” (Saturday Citizen, 26/01/2019, p.10) is the headline of the article. The st...
Two articles titled, “Parent opens case over ‘bullying’” (Dispatchlive, 29-09-2018) and “Injured pupil to have second brain surgery” (Sowetan, 25-09-2018, p.2) have been given a MAD[1] by Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) for identifying the children involved who are victims and witness...
Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) gives a MAD[1] to City Press for its article titled, “’Sorry, I couldn’t save them’” (23/09/2018, p.6) in which a child who experienced a traumatic ordeal was interviewed and identified when he is a potential witness at criminal proceedings. The story is about...
When reporting stories about children who are victims of and/or witnesses to abuse or crime or, they themselves have committed crimes, journalists should take care not only to avoid compromising the children’s safety but to also protect their rights to dignity and privacy. This will ultimately saf...
Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) gives a MAD[1] to Sowetan, The Star and Daily Sun for all failing to protect the identity of a child who, despite having celebrity parents, is a witness in a case of domestic violence. This commentary analyses three articles, which all relay the story of the same case: ...
Substance abuse is a serious problem that South Africa is battling with. For the reason that the challenge has huge implications for many children in South Africa as it potentially contributes to family dysfunctions among other social problems, every sector of society especially the media needs to c...
Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) frowns upon media houses that fail to protect identities of children who have witnessed and/or are victims of abuse as not doing so potentially exposes the children to harm. It is against this background that MMA gives to Saturday Star a MAD[1] for publishing an article...