Media Monitoring Africa

Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) awards a GLAD[1] to The Post for not identifying two children who are witnesses and victims in a case of abuse. The story, “Murder accused mom ‘did not like child’”, published via IOL (26/08/2018) describes the case of a mother and a grandmother who stand accuse...
Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) gives a GLAD[[1] to IOL, for its story involving a child who survived a genital mutilation attack and was portrayed positively and in a manner that protected his identity. “Boy survives horror attack and sends his assailants to jail” (IOL, 03/02/2018) reports that t...
Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) gives a MAD[1] to The Post for its article published on the IOL website in which a sexually assaulted child was made to relive a traumatic experience through an interview. The article titled “Boy, 15, ‘drugged and abused’” (03/12/2017) reports on a 15-year-old...
Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) always urges media to adequately protect the identities of child victims and/or witnesses of abuse when it is not in their best interests to be identified.  The media, being a powerful tool that plays an important and influential role in society, has the responsibility...
Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) gives a MAD[1] to IOL for an article in which a child who was sexually abused was made to relive her traumatic experience through an interview. “’Raped by dad and brother’” (IOL, 09/05/2017) reports on a nine-year-old girl from Cape Town who was allegedly raped ...