Media Monitoring Africa

Media Monitoring Africa, a leading media research organisation in Africa, today launched its final report as part of a series analyses, evaluating the coverage of the 2019 National Elections by the South African Broadcast Corporation (SABC). You can find the full report here. On May 8, for the 6th t...
Media Monitoring Africa (MMA), a leading media research organisation in Africa, today launched its final report as part of a series analyses, evaluating the coverage of the 2019 National Elections in South Africa. You can find the full report here. On May 8, for the 6th time since the advent of demo...
Media Monitoring Africa, a leading media research organisation in Africa, today launched the second in a series of reports analysing the coverage of the 2019 National Elections in South Africa. You can find the full report here. 5 days ago, South Africans went to the polls to cast their ballot in th...
Media Monitoring Africa, a leading media research organisation in Africa today launched the first report on coverage of the 2019 national elections in South Africa. Read the report. We are officially in elections season! With less than one month to go until South Africans hit the polls, we ask the q...
Media Monitoring Africa (MMA), a leading human rights media research organisation, today released their report  “Politics, medicine and disease: The story of HIV in the media from 2002”. The research examines how the coverage of HIV/AIDS has changed since 2003. Read the report. More than 7 mill...
In the past few years in South Africa the land reform issue has been at the center of both political and economical debate. Also the current socio-economic situation of the country has amplified the debate with the main contributors sometimes misrepresenting the issues or focusing only on certain pa...
Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) is a human rights-driven NGO specialising in media monitoring with the goal of advancing a media culture in South Africa that is critical and fair, free, diverse and ethical. Elections are a particularly important period in the life of any democracy and we are looking t...
18 August 2018, Grocotts Mail, Kathryn Clearly According to research by Media Monitoring Africa (MMA), out of all stories analysed in South African media in 2017, only 6% were about gender-based violence. The Herald had the most reporting on the topic in the country, more so than Huffington Pos...