Media Monitoring Africa

CHILDREN’S VOICES CAN AMPLIFY ACTIVISM Children must always be interviewed in media stories about them especially if they are directly involved in the issue being reported. Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) gives GroundUp a Missed Opportunity[1]for failing to include children’s voices in an article ...
News24 misses opportunity to hear from children Deaf communities hardly feature in media coverage, more so deaf children. Further, children who are deaf hardly feature as sources in media coverage of any issue that generally affects children. When a journalist reports an issue directly related ...
ALWAYS INCLUDE CHILDREN’S VOICES IN HEALTH ISSUES INVOLVING THEM Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) gives a Missed Opportunity[1] to Cape Argus for an article that fails to access children when reporting the issue of mental health treatment for children and adolescents in the Western Cape. The article ...
Bullying is a major issue in schools. The vice can be physical, verbal, or emotional and is usually repeated over a period of time. This usually impacts the victim negatively and could lead to a person growing up having lack of confidence etc or worse they could become a victim of suicide. For faili...
Children who have achieved an award or created something unique deserve their voices heard in media coverage of them. This is so they can share their feelings about their achievements and hopefully, inspire their peers. Unfortunately, this is not the case in an article by The Star titled, “All-gir...
GroundUp and News24 missed an opportunity[1] for great stories because they failed to give children a voice in stories that involve the children. Not accessing children for their views in issues about them robs the children of an opportunity to contribute to debates/discussion and solutions to issue...
Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) gives a Missed Opportunity[1] to Daily Sun for an article that completely fails to access children in a matter which has a direct impact on their education and on their safety at school. The article titled, “School torched during protest!” (Daily Sun, 06/06/2022) re...
Daily Sun and IOL missed an opportunity for great stories because they failed to give children a voice in stories that involve the children. Daily Sun’s article, “Kasi parents risk life for EDUCATION!” (23/04/2022) is about parents in Nelson Mandela Bay who have to wake up early in the morning...
It is sad when children cannot go to school because of issues hindering their access to schools. When the media do report these issues, children affected should be able to voice out their concerns in the coverage. Sadly, that was not the case in an article by GroundUp titled, “KZN learners miss sc...