Media Monitoring Africa

DO NOT IDENTIFY MISSING CHILDREN WHO HAVE BEEN FOUND! Kidnapped or missing children who have been found alive should no longer be identified in media coverage. Continuing to identify them directly or indirectly potentially exposes them to further harm. Additionally, the media acts unethically and il...
DO NOT IDENTIFY MISSING CHILDREN WHO HAVE BEEN FOUND! Kidnapped or missing children who have been found alive should no longer be identified in media coverage. Continuing to identify them directly or indirectly potentially exposes them to further harm. Additionally, the media acts unethically and il...
News24 does well to protect the identity of a child When reporting on children, it is paramount to always consider the best interests of the child(ren), making sure that they are not exposed to harm or victimisation. It is for this reason that Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) is delighted to award a GL...
Prioritising children’s voices is essential. Principals and deputy principals play an indispensable role in the effective functioning of schools. They are responsible for setting the school’s vision, creating a conducive learning environment, and overseeing the overall management of acad...
A child benefits from extended protection Children who have been witnesses, suspects, and victims of crime or had traumatic experiences need to be able to trust that those they have come to for assistance would keep their privacy as private as possible. Media monitoring Africa (MMA) awards News24 ...
News24 gives young agricultural protégé the chance to shine. Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) awards a GLAD[1] to News24 for promoting the best interest of the child in their journalism. The article published on national youth day titled, “Meet the 12-year-old ‘farmer’, who is alrea...
WELL, DONE NEWS 24 Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) congratulates News24 on its well reported story titled, “‘Our boy is not doing well’: Family of toddler burnt with boiling water at creche struggle with medical bills” (24/04/2023). The article written by Iavan Pijo...
News24 spurns chance to include children’s views. Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) notes with concern the failure by News24 to include the voice of a child in a story about a matter that directly affects their lived experience. As a result of this, News24 missed an opportunity[1] to not only empower ...