Media Monitoring Africa

News24 misses opportunity to hear from children Deaf communities hardly feature in media coverage, more so deaf children. Further, children who are deaf hardly feature as sources in media coverage of any issue that generally affects children. When a journalist reports an issue directly related ...
GroundUp and News24 missed an opportunity[1] for great stories because they failed to give children a voice in stories that involve the children. Not accessing children for their views in issues about them robs the children of an opportunity to contribute to debates/discussion and solutions to issue...
Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) is proud to give a GLAD[1] to DispatchLIVE, IOL and News24 for ethical reporting where the identities of children involved in the stories are withheld thereby protecting the children from potential harm. The DispatchLIVE article which is written by the journalist, Orrin...
Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) is concerned with the level of negligence demonstrated by News24 in coverage of a crime involving a child. The story in question indirectly identifies the child involved thereby not only compromising his safety but also breaching ethical and legal frameworks around repo...
Accessing children, ventilating their views on matters that involve them and protecting their identities when necessary are some of the most important journalistic ethics that which journalists ought to abide by. This is to ensure that children participate in issues and decisions affecting them and ...
A child’s right to freedom of expression is one of the most important rights that should be respected and promoted not only by the government, schools and society but by the media as well. Such was not the case with News24 and Daily Sun as the two media fail...
Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) gives a missed opportunity[1] to News24 and GroundUp for neglecting to access children for their views in their articles titled, “A splash of inspiration: Hout Bay activist offers kids free swimming, breakdancing and life skills lessons” (News24, 15/01/2022) and “...
Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) wishes to award News24 a GLAD[1] for its article titled, “Grade 10 pupil who killed classmate, then himself, had been showing grandfather’s gun to friends” (14/01/2022). The GLAD is awarded because the journalist protects the identity of a child involved. The ...
Great caution should always be exercised when reporting on children involved in criminal proceedings to avoid victimisation and other harm and when the media employs this caution, they should be commended. It is for this reason that Media Monitoring (MMA) awards News24 a GLAD[1] for its article, “...