Media Monitoring Africa

Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) is proud to give a GLAD[i] to News24 for its article titled, “Talented teenager tees off to double ton” (29/01/2019) which highlights a 13-year-old boy’s achievements and accesses him for his views. The article tells the story of Yaaseen Moos who plays cricket for...
Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) awards a GLAD[1] to News24 and IOL for publishing articles emphasising on the protection of children online. The first article, “Think before posting your children’s pics” (News24, 21/01/2019) explains to parents and readers the necessity of protecting children on...
News24 and The Star fall short of being awarded a GLAD[1] for missing an opportunity to include a child’s voice in their articles titled, “Nine-year-old South African mental maths whizz wows in German competition” (News24, 29/09/2018) and “SA 9-year-old has world summed up”(The star, 26/09...