Media Monitoring Africa

Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) awards the Sowetan and The Star a GLAD1 for publishing articles that go an extra mile to protect the identities of vulnerable children affected by crime and abuse. The Sowetan has consistently shown their commitment to promoting the rights and best interests of children...
Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) has observed how over the past few weeks the Sowetan has been consistent in bringing issues that affect children on the agenda. Particular focus has been paid to the rights of children to access basic education and how this right has been violated. The Sowetan took time...
A 15-year-old boy has achieved what many teenagers in South Africa cannot and that is to qualify for medical school at a tender age. This is the story of Decent Mkhombo from Thulamahashe, Mpumalanga published in an article by the Sowetan titled, “Young student (15) rocks up at new medical school...
Reporting about children and their challenges is of crucial importance and Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) always appreciates the efforts. However, it is equally important to ensure that the reporting is done with great caution and protection of the children involved. Unfortunately, articles from the ...
Reporting on children in a manner that protect their rights to privacy and many other related rights is important. Even when reporting about the challenges that children face, it is crucial that journalists balance the reporting of these issues with children’s rights and the ethical principle of m...
Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) awards a GLAD[1] to the Sowetan and journalist Fhumulani Khumela for respecting the rights of the child concerned when reporting the article “Teen girl ‘reveals rape’ by step-dad” (26/02/2015, p.11). The article covers a very sensitive issue that is still before...