Absence of Children’s Voices Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) gives a MOP[1] to The Citizen for an article that completely fails to access children in a matter which has a direct impact on their education and their safety at […]...
Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) believes that children should be accessed for their views in media coverage, when it is in their best interest to do so. When this is not […]...
While Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) applauds GroundUp for reporting two stories about discrimination and lack of services at a school, we would also like to raise a few concerns that […]...
Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) is happy to award a GLAD[1] to The Citizen for its article, “High-performance pupils” (11/04/2019, p.5) which highlights the achievement of the grade 12 pupils involved […]...
When reporting stories about children who are victims of and/or witnesses to abuse or crime or, they themselves have committed crimes, journalists should take care not only to avoid compromising […]...
The Citizen gets a GLAD[1] from Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) for its article, “Mother, child despair” (28/08/2018, p.3) where the identities of two children swapped as new-borns at a hospital were […]...
Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) is proud to award a GLAD[1] to The Citizen and Weekend Argus for highlighting children’s achievements and accessing them for their views. The first story […]...
Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) always urges media to adequately protect the identities of child victims and/or witnesses of abuse when it is not in their best interests to be identified. […]...
When media give children positive recognition such as in the instance of “Schoolboy who walks the walk” (The Citizen, 03/11/2017, p.5), it is worthy of a GLAD.[1] The story written […]...