Media Monitoring Africa

Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) gives a Missed Opportunity[1] to The Star for three articles that were published in the first week of April that failed to access the children at the centre of these stories.   The stories focus on critical education-centred subjects. For example, “Pioneering edu...
It is exciting to read articles about children that access and celebrate them for their achievements. Such is the case with The Star’s article titled, “Gopolang turns tears to cheershttps” (06/03/2019, p.6) for which Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) awards a GLAD.[1] The article by Sakhile Ndlazi...
News24 and The Star fall short of being awarded a GLAD[1] for missing an opportunity to include a child’s voice in their articles titled, “Nine-year-old South African mental maths whizz wows in German competition” (News24, 29/09/2018) and “SA 9-year-old has world summed up”(The star, 26/09...
Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) gives a MAD[1] to Sowetan, The Star and Daily Sun for all failing to protect the identity of a child who, despite having celebrity parents, is a witness in a case of domestic violence. This commentary analyses three articles, which all relay the story of the same case: ...
Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) always urges media to adequately protect the identities of child victims and/or witnesses of abuse when it is not in their best interests to be identified.  The media, being a powerful tool that plays an important and influential role in society, has the responsibility...
Bullying in schools is a major problem that has seen pupils being victims at the hands of their fellow schoolmates. The topic has received wide coverage from local media where incidences of bullying have been highlighted. While the media should be commended for informing the public about bullying an...
Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) awards a GLAD[1] to The Star for withholding the identity of a child victim in an article, and for avoiding subjecting her to secondary trauma. “They shot at me as I ran away, says girl aged 9” (The Star, 13/09/2017, p.1) reports on a nine-year-old girl who was all...
Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) awards the Sowetan and The Star a GLAD1 for publishing articles that go an extra mile to protect the identities of vulnerable children affected by crime and abuse. The Sowetan has consistently shown their commitment to promoting the rights and best interests of children...
The Star’s, “Trafficked siblings back in SA,” (26/06/2015, p.2) by Lerato Mbangeni is a reflection of ethical standards that should be followed by journalists when reporting on child trafficking.. The article is not only written to highlight the issue of human trafficking, but it was written i...