Media Monitoring Africa

Silenced Voices: Media Fails to Get Children’s Perspectives In light of the recent taxi strike that had disrupted the city of Cape Town’s transportation system, it is imperative to shed light on the victims of such events. TimesLIVE and IOL did this by highlighting how ch...
TimesLIVE jeopardises child’s safety. Gender-based violence (GBV) poses a prevalent and far-reaching challenge in South Africa, exerting its influence across various spheres of life. With a particular emphasis on women and girls, GBV manifests as a systemic issue deeply ingrained within South A...
TimesLIVE empowers Children amidst tragic circumstances. Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) is excited to award a GLAD[1] to TimesLIVE for their efforts to give a voice to children in sensitive and complex situations. All too often, children are excluded from discus...
TimesLIVE empowers Children amidst tragic circumstances. Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) is excited to award a GLAD[1] to TimesLIVE for their efforts to give a voice to children in sensitive and complex situations. All too often, children are excluded from discussion...
Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) is delighted to award a GLAD[1] to TimesLIVE for its article, “School pupils forcibly demand to address Ramaphosa at Vaal imbizo” (12/08/2022) which highlights an imbizo during which pupils tried to seize the opportunity to explain to the President the difficulties ...
Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) awards TimesLIVE a GLAD[1] for ethically reporting an issue which involves minors. The story titled, “36 pupils suspended for ‘smoking dagga’ at Gauteng school” (22/04/2022)  is about a video that went viral on social media platforms where learners from a G...
South Africa has several laws that aim at protecting children from abuse and exploitation among other things. While there are not so many specific laws that protect children online, the very laws that are supposed to protect children offline apply online. An example is the protection from bullying. ...
Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) is giving a GLAD[1] to both the Saturday Star and TimesLIVE for the publications’ stellar reporting on and portrayal of children standing up and speaking up about the killing of Nathaniel Julies, an Eldorado teenager reportedly killed by police. The Saturday Star’s...
A child’s right to freedom of expression as enshrined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)[1] and of the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of Children (ACRWC)[2] articles 13 and 7 respectively, is one of the most important rights that should be respected and ...