Media Monitoring Africa

February 8, 2018, ITWeb Africa Fortune Mgwili-Sibanda, Public Policy Manager at Google South Africa said, “We know how powerful a learning tool the internet can be when used correctly. But in order to get full value out of it, young people must be able to use the internet safely.” Stepha...
February 6, 2018, ITWeb Africa Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) is launching its 2018 Web Rangers programme today, which brings together civil society, children, educators, government and the private sector to promote online safety and positive use of the Internet. MMA has partnered with Google, the ...
    Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) and partners invite media to celebrate Safer Internet Day (SID) on Tuesday, 06 February 2018 at Facebook in Johannesburg. SID aims to, “raise awareness of emerging online issues and chooses a topic reflecting current concerns.” Join us as we hear from ...