Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) awards Weekend Argus a GLAD[1] for accessing children in an article about them.  The article titled, “Schoolchildren speak out about learning during Covid-19 lockdown” (16/01/21) does a stellar job at displaying children’s views and their concerns about Covid-19.

Weekend Argus’ piece by Keagan Mitchell profiles children from grade R to matric who are part of a government program called Child Government Monitors. The children are reportedly nominated for the program based on their interests to become child rights activists and get to work with the office of the Commissioner for Children in Western Cape. As part of the program, the children reportedly shared their views and experiences about learning during the Covid-19 pandemic.  

One of the program participants, 13-year-old Winetha Booysen says in the article, “It was really challenging to go to school last year because we had a lot of work to catch up on. The one thing that kept me motivated last year was the thought about my future.”

 Another learner, also a Child Government Monitor, 15-year-old Saadiq Daniels who is also expansively accessed in the article says, “My wish is that the education system will be more stable and hope things can just be normal as usual.”

These are some of the contributions the children are making to the ongoing discussions about the Covid-19 pandemic. The journalist, Keagan Mitchell did a great job by getting the children’s perspectives and this enriched the article.

According to MMA’s Editorial Guidelines and Principles for Reporting on Children in the Media, “Children have a right to have their views heard on matters that affect them, so [the media should] try and include them.”

Further, by interviewing the children, the journalist promoted their right to freedom of speech, which is outlined in the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACRWC) which South Africa ratified in 2000. Article 7 of the Charter states,” Every child who is capable of communicating his or her own views shall be assured the rights to express his opinions freely in all matters and to disseminate his opinions subject to such restrictions as are prescribed by the law.”[2]

MMA is looking forward to seeing more stories from Weekend Argus about children that also include the children’s voices.

By Bantse Pelle

[1] A GLAD  is awarded to media for reporting about children in a positive way
