On Monday, 9 July 2018, Media Monitoring Africa released a report titled “Where do we belong?” which analysed how the issue of migration is framed in the media of four sub-Saharan African countries.
Recognising that migration is a critical issue across the continent and that news media plays an important role in shaping public discourse, this research sought to unpack the types of narratives being put forward in the media between two pairs of countries, Kenya-Tanzania and South Africa-Zimbabwe, about migration. Is the media providing fair and balanced coverage to the challenges and opportunities of migration? Or is it perpetuating myths, stereotypes and misinformation about the effects and experiences of migrants both in their home and host countries? By understanding these types of framings, we can understand the ways in which these issues are put forward in public and political circles.
An abridged version of this research was also presented by Ntsako Manyangi, one of MMA’s researchers in the Policy and Quality Unit, at a closed academic conference hosted by the University of Johannesburg on 5 and 6 July 2018.
Read the full report.